<!DOCTYPE stack PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD stack V 2.0//EN" "" >
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<script>-- ================ Apple Training Support =================---- Project Name: HyperCard 2.0 Product Training---- Apple employees:-- Design and Development: Jeff Brechlin-- Team Leader: Mary VanRiper---- Contractors:-- Design/Animations: Anne Wysocki-- Programmers: Gabriel Acosta, Kristi Wachter, Anne Wysocki-- Last modified: April 6, 1990-- ========================================================--• GLOBALS:-- DisSpeed: the speed to use for visual dissolves----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAVIGATION HANDLERS-- This handler goes to the card chosen by the user.-- "goMain", "goSect1", and "goSect2" are below.on goto CdName, Section, IDnumglobal MapModeif MapMode is "graph" thenDeHiliteFlashend ifif "bkgnd" is in the name of target then goMain CdNameelse if Section is "section 1:" then goSect1 CdName, IDnumelse if Section is "section 2:" then goSect2 CdName, IDnumelse goSect1 CdName, IDnumend goto-- This handler goes to one of the Main-level cards.on goMain CdNameglobal DisSpeedvisual DisSpeedgo cd CdName of "Intro to HyperCard 2.0"-- openCardend goMain-- Go to a cd from the Basic Menu or the Support Menu.on goSect1 CdName, IDnumglobal DisSpeed, OriginCdName,mapModeput the lockScreen into realMapModelock screenput the short name of this cd into OriginCdNameif CdName contains "Introduction to" thenset lockmessages to truego to cd OriginCdName of "Intro to HyperCard 2.0"-- set the icon of bg btn "section" to OriginCdNamesend mouseUp to btn id IDnumset lockmessages to falseif realMapMode is true then unlock screenunlock screen with DisSpeedopenCardelsego to cd OriginCdName of "Intro to HyperCard 2.0"-- set the icon of bg btn "section" to OriginCdNamesend mouseUp to btn id IDnumunlock screen with DisSpeedend ifend goSect1-- Go to a cd from the Nuts & Bolts Menu.on goSect2 CdName, IDnumglobal DisSpeed, OriginCdNamelock screen-- Is it in the intro (not New in 2.0) section?put the short name of this cd into OriginCdNameput "Stacks,The Home Stack,Windows,Cards,Buttons,Text Fields" &¬",Menus,Graphics,Printing,Other Tools,Section 2:1" into introListput (cdName is in introList) into IsInFirstPtif IsInFirstPt thengo to cd "section 2:1" of "Intro to HyperCard 2.0"send mouseUp to btn "checkboxa"send mouseUp to btn id IDnumelsego to cd "section 2:2" of "Intro to HyperCard 2.0"send mouseUp to btn "checkboxb"send mouseUp to btn id IDnumend ifunlock screen with DisSpeedend goSect2----------------------------------------------------------------------- HILITING HANDLERS-- Hilite the btn showing where the user came from.on HiliteMapglobal CameFromif the short name of this cd is "Level 1" thenset the hilite of bg btn CameFrom to trueelseput number of cd btns into NumBtnsrepeat with i=1 to NumBtnsif (char 1 to 15 of the short name of btn i) is CameFrom thenset the hilite of btn i to trueexit repeatend ifend repeatend ifend HiliteMap-- Dehilite all bg & cd btnson DeHiliterepeat with i=5 to number of bg btnsset the hilite of bg btn i to falseend repeatrepeat with i=1 to the number of btnsset the hilite of btn i to falseend repeatend DeHilite-- Make the clicked btn flashon Flash objectset the hilite of the target to falsewait 10set the hilite of the target to truewait 10set the hilite of the target to falseend Flash-- Remove leading spaces from a string of charsfunction stripLeadBlanks stringreturn (word 1 of string && ¬(word 2 to (the number of words of string) of string))end stripLeadBlanks--===================-- These